September 7 Wednesday | 8 Thursday | 9 Friday

September 10 Saturday

September 11 Sunday
10:00-11:00: Registration – Entrance Hall
11:00-13:30: Opening Session – Mitxelena Auditorium
- 11:00-11:30: Salutation by Academic Authorities – Prof. Eva Ferreira, UPV/EHU Rector (Chair)
- 11:30-12:00: MER JPB members Video – Manu Soto
Memories of MER Consortium members –Ionan Marigomez - 12:00-12.30: EHU Choir
- 12:30-13:30: OPENING LECTURE – «The Global Ocean Science Report (GOSR) and the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development» – Luis Valdés (IOC & IEO)
13:30-15:00: Who-is-Who Poster Lunch – Chillida Hall (Chairs: Urtzi Izagirre, Mathieu Poulicek & Student Board)
15:00-17:10: Science Session – Mitxelena Auditorium (Chairs: Jorg Schafer, Maria J Bebianno, Karla Parga)
- 15:00-15:30: KEYNOTE – Fate and effects of anticancer drugs in the environment – Maria J Bebianno (CIMA – U Algarve)
- 15:30-17:10: ORAL PRESENTATIONS:
- Mercury from offshore pipelines in the food web: human and environmental risks – Rebecca von Hellfeld
- Plastic pollution in Greenland: fate in glacimarine sediment – Karla Parga
- Polyethylene degradation: the challenge of breaking the unbreakable – Davi Munhoz
- Marine debris management in Indonesia – Ariyo Sahid Sujivo
- Implications of kinetically-hindered metals in ecotoxicological studies: effect of platinum spikeaging on its toxicity to Dunaliella salina – Antonio Cobelo
17:10-17:40: Coffee Break – Chillida Hall
17:40-19:40: Community Session: Alumni & Students’ Day – Mitxelena Auditorium (Chairs: Manu Soto, Dragana Palecek, MMH Mredul)
- 17:40-19:40: GATHERING – Testimonials, worries, expectations and reflections
19:40-20:00: Group Photo at Bizkaia Aretoa
20:30-22:00: Institutional Reception
09:30-11:00: Science Session – Mitxelena Audit (Chairs: Nestor Etxebarria, Mary-Lou Tercier-Waeber, Ahmad Widyatmoko)
- 09:30-10:00: KEYNOTE – Advanced Sensors for in situ monitoring of bioavailable metals – Mary-Lou Tercier-Waeber (U Geneva)
- Application of an Electronic Monitoring (EM) system and Artificial Intelligence (AI) data analysis in a small-scale tuna fishery – Ahmad Widyatmoko
- Scalable mapping of chlorophyll-A photopigments in coral reef using spectral images – Michelia Wibowo
- Exploring deep ecosystems of the Galapagos Marine Reserve and their benthic fauna: the world Darwin never saw – Marie Creemers
- Data science ethics: bias in data and algorithms – Isabel Corona
11:00-11:30: Coffee Break – Chillida Hall
11:30-13:30: Community Session: Associates’ Day – Mitxelena Auditorium (Chairs: Maren Ortiz-Zarragoitia & Patricia V García)
- 11:30-12:30: GATHERING – Testimonials, worries, expectations and reflections
- 12:30-13:30: COMMUNITY BUILDING – Marine Quiz by Danila Uvarov & Imanol Agirre
13:30-15:00: Who-is-Who Poster Lunch – Chillida Hall (Chairs: Jon Saenz, Sylvie Gobert & Student Board)
- 14.00-15:00: Workshop: «Multilingual Science Communication» by Chris Fischer
15:00-17:10: Science Session – Mitxelena Auditorium (Chairs: Krishna Das, Naiara Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, Iraide Artetxe)
- 15:00-15:30: KEYNOTE – An eco-evolutionary genomics perspective to marine management- Naiara Rodríguez-Ezpeleta (AZTI BRTA)
- The influence of shellfish farming in bottlenose dolphin ecology – Severine Methion
- Innovation in North Sea beam trawl fisheries and survival of plaice, thornback and spotted rays- Allard van Mens
- Population structure of catadromous thicklip grey mullet in the Basque Coast in connection to estuarine homing, exposure to xenoestrogens and development of intersex condition- Anthony Nzioka
- Yellowfin tuna connectivity in the Indian Ocean: otolith d 18 O composition as a tracer- Iraide Artetxe
- Genetic connectivity and hybridization with its sister species challenge the currentmanagement paradigm of white anglerfish – Imanol Agirre
17:10-17:40: Coffee Break – Chillida Hall
17:40-19:50: Science Session – Mitxelena Auditorium (Chairs: Elisa Sainz de Murieta, Regina Asariotis, Jordan Gacutan)
- 17:40-18:10: KEYNOTE – Climate change and coastal transportation: a sustainable development challenge – Regina Asariotis (UNTAD)
- Kenyan coastal community perceptions on climate change and fisheries resourcemanagement – Enmanuel Gafo
- Ocean accounting: bridging marine science and policy for sustainable development- Jordan Gacutan
- Nature-Based Solutions in coastal and estuarine areas of Europe – Roberta Pegorer
- How Is the ocean anthropogenic carbon reservoir filled? – Xabier Davila
- Somos OceanoS (SOS) – Innovative science communication to combat climate change and improve marine conservation – Verónica Relaño
19:50-21:30: Get-together Party – Bizkaia Aretoa Terrace
09:30-11:20: Science Session – Mitxelena Auditorium(Chairs: Duncan Purdie, Carlota Escutia, Hoi Ming Lam)
- 09:30-10:00: KEYNOTE – Past, present and future of Antarctic ice sheet dynamics – Carlota Escutia (CSIC-U Granada).
- Snow depth on Arctic sea ice estimation from Satellite Altimetry and SAR using advanced deep learning methods – Hoi Ming Lam
- A SST and carbonate chemistry reconstruction of the post-industrial revolution Southwest Pacific – Sara Todorovic
- Radiocarbon dating and paleoclimate reconstruction on mollusc shells – Dragana Palecek
- Spatial-ecological relationships of a threatened foundation species across multiple spatial scales – Rick Leong
- A long-term study of the marine heatwaves in the Western Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea – Manal Hamdeno
11:20-11:50: Coffee Break – Chillida Hall
11:50-13:30: Community Session: Stakeholders’ Day Mitxelena Auditorium (Chairs: Ibon Cancio, Adonis Velegrakis)
- 11:50-13:30: MER graduates Portfolio.
GATHERING – Worries, expectations and reflections
13:30-15:00: Science Poster Lunch – Chillida Hall (Chairs: Jerome Bonnin, Jon Saenz, Ikerne del Valle)
- 14.00-15:00: Workshop: «Documentary on Societal Challenges» by Veronica Relaño
15:00-17:10:Science Session – Mitxelena Auditorium (Chairs: Miren P Cajaraville, Kari K Lehtonen, Rebecca von Hellfeld)
- 15:00-15:30: KEYNOTE – The dark legacy of sea-dumped munitions: environmental risks and management prospects – Kari K Lehtonen (SYKE)
- Synergic effect of nitrate exposure and heat wave on the growth and antioxidative activity of microalgae , Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Raphidocelis subcapitata – Sabiha Akter
- Environmental interactions with an offshore, long-line mussel farm and its conservation potential – Llucia Mascordá
- Oil dispersant application in cold environments: copepod toxicity and microbial community dynamics – Tamer Hafez
- Mangrove Threat Index: an easy-to-use tool for local decision makers to predict the likelihood of mangrove loss – Valentina Platzgummer
- Determination of the size at first sexual maturity (SL50) for the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) in the Arcachon Bay (French Atlantic coast) for a potential Minimum Conservation Reference Size revision – Tifanie Briaudeau
17:10-17:40: Coffee Break – Chillida Hall
17:40-19:30: Marine Woman Scientist Session- Mitxelena Auditorium (Chairs: Belen González-Gaya, Johan Etourneau, Andrea Osorio)
17:40-19:30: MER Alumni video, presented by Andrea Osorio
GATHERING – Testimonials, worries, expectations and reflections
19:30-20:30:OPEN GUEST LECTURE – Trends in Ocean Sciences – Marie-Alexandrine Sicre (IOC UNESCO)
09:00-11:00: Bus to Aquarium SS
11:00-13:30: Closing Session – Aquarium SS Auditorium
- 11:00-11:30: Salutation by Institutional Representatives
- 11:30-12.00: Memories of the MER students and alumni – Tifanie Briaudeau
- 12:00-13:00: CLOSING LECTURE – «Designing the Global Observing System for marine life» – Patricia Miloslavich (SCOR-ISC)
- 13:00-13:15: MER Community Summit 2022 Prizes & «Agurra» – MER JPB
- 13:15-13:30: BASQUE FOLK DANCES
13:30-22:00: Lunch Break & Community Building
- 13:30-16:30: PINTXO BREAK – Free time at Old Town
- 16:30-19:00: ESTROPADA – MER Rowing Race (4 teams)
- 19:30-22:30: SAGARDOTEGIA – Cider house dinner
22:30-24:00: Bus to Bilbao / Plentzia
11:00-13:30: Summit Aftermath (public transportation at each one’s convenience)
- 10:30-13:30: Working group Meetings (to prepare cooperation plans, proposals …)
- 11:30-13:30: Open Day: Visit tours to PiE-UPV/EHU
13:30-16:00: Beer House Lunch